Module 1 Required Activities

Week 1: Required Reading and Viewing

noun_check-list_87107.pngRequired: Re-Thinking the Transition (read pages 6 through 16)

In May of 2009, the Center for Teaching Excellence at Virginia Commonwealth University compiled a best practices whitepaper that outlines a series of scenarios, supporting materials and online tools meant to show how online teaching principles can be applied. You are only required to read the section contained in pages 6 through 16 - it is a great compilation of good teaching principles paired with examples of how faculty applied the principles in their online or hybrid courses. It also offers some possible tech tools for accomplishing the tasks.

While this whitepaper is a bit dated (2009 was a long time ago in the online teaching world) we think the teaching principles presented are enduring. They continue to be ranked highly in student surveys about effective and engaging online and hybrid courses.

Download the pdf here: 

CTE whitepaper "Building from Content to Community: [RE] Thinking the Transition to Online Teaching and Learning" (pdf download)


noun_check-list_87107.pngRequired Articles: Effective Principles

10 Principles of Effective Teaching Online- Faculty Focus Report (pdf download)

10 Things To Consider When ReDesigning for Hybrid Teaching and Learning Links to an external site. (web page)

Faculty Focus: Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners Links to an external site. (online article)


 noun_video-camera_50751.pngRequired Viewing:

Lessons Learned video (4 minutes) Links to an external site.

(video from Educause)

This Will Revolutionize Education (7:21 minutes)
(video commentary by Derek Mueller on his "Veritasium" YouTube channel) Links to an external site.