ctcLink Student Self-Service course
Welcome to Campus Solutions and the world of Student Self-Service (Student Homepage).
Course Overview
Student Self-Service is one of several modules within the Campus Solutions pillar. The purpose of this course is to introduce participants to the basic concepts, terminology, and steps required for using the Student Homepage in Fluid. Participants will learn the PeopleSoft language and processes as it pertains to Student Self-Service by reading text and viewing videos and working through various interactive exercises. Additional course information includes discussion boards, quick reference guides (QRGs), tip sheets and other important resources.
Course Description
Campus Student Self-Service offers role-based and function-based self-service functionality that enables you to access information and transactions over the internet.
The Student Homepage is a collection of tiles that you select to access specific transactions. Selecting a tile on a homepage opens the corresponding transaction.
This course is intended for students within the college.
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course every participant will demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental PeopleSoft components and processes within the Student Homepage.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Personalize Your Student Homepage
- Review and Update Personal Information
- Tasks and Message Center
- Manage Classes
- Review Your Academic Progress
- Review Your Academic Record
- Review and Manage Your Financial Aid
- Review and Manage Your Financial Account
Browsers and Technical Requirements
Chrome is the recommended browser for Canvas. Firefox and Safari will work as well. However, Internet Explorer does not play nice with Canvas, so it is recommended that one of the above mentioned browsers are used instead of IE.
Updated versions of Adobe Flash Player and Java are also required. Information regarding which browsers Canvas supports can be located in Canvas Guides.
Get Started!
Select the Modules link from the left navigation to begin.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |